It's getting wobbly again out there

We recently bought a fire pit and new patio chairs. We were scoping out "airy" corners of the house so that extended family could come over for a socially-distant Thanksgiving. We were feeling comfortable eating on restaurant patios.

And now Covid-19 cases are spiking. Socializing for long periods of time is ill-advised. Thanksgiving has turned into a backyard pie brunch, as long as it's not raining. Instacart is back in, as is cooking every meal.

It's the way of things, isn't it? The pandemic could be a microcosm for a lifetime's ride of shake-ups and let-downs, promises and disappointments, bright moments and dark nights.

The only thing we're really ever required to do is pay attention. Notice the fullness of every moment – pleasurable and painful alike – and allow that awareness to feed steadiness, and steadiness to breed support. It may indeed be a windy winter, but together we can reinforce our shock absorbers, cushion ourselves in the presence of the buffeting winds of change.

~ Annie Moyer

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