Making Snow Angels

I’m thinking about snow angels this week. Watching children in my neighborhood leave imprints of themselves in the snow evokes a childlike expression of freedom—the freedom to stretch out and make ourselves known to the physical world. I’m sure I didn’t see it this way as a child, but as a grown-up, I find profound beauty in plopping down, sweeping limbs in and out, and admiring the resulting shape our body makes on the snow-covered earth. There is power in proclaiming with our whole selves, I am here! I made my mark!

I also think about this when I relax at a jigsaw puzzle, a favorite quarantine pastime in our house. I name the shapes in my head: gingerbread man, left-hander, starfish, and my favorite: the snow angel. Just as each snowflake is unique, and a million snowflakes together create a beautiful and formidable display, each puzzle piece plays a part in painting the scene from a unique and individual placement.

We humans have much in common with jigsaw pieces and snowflakes: we each have a purpose only we can fulfill. We are all unique (even the identical twins I know and love will agree!), and our place in the world has consequence as we are called upon to hold up our individual corners of this vast, complex and wondrous universe.

A mindful yoga practice can remind us of this purpose. We can at once experience the distinctive nature of individual body-mind-breath-spirit and the equally powerful interconnectedness that demands our attention, compassion, and benevolence. With our whole and distinctive selves, we show up and leave a mark in this world. With a little luck and practice, we can do so with patience, compassion and joy.

~ Annie Moyer